Dazed and Confounded

II think I finally know how men feel. They supposedly think about relations about 19 times per day (no, not every seven seconds – that’s an urban legend. Here’s my source). Well, I’ve got men beat. I decided that yesterday I would count how many times I thought about the wedding. And my number? 31 times during the 16 hours I was awake. And women think men have one-track minds… Plus, those 31 times I thought about the wedding didn’t count the time that I was actually working on it. As Justin said, “How are you going to keep track? –Actually, it will be easy. Your number will be one because you think about the wedding all day long.” It’s true, I’m completely consumed with everything about the wedding. My head is filled with so many different...

The Fine Art of Wedding Invitation Wording

IImagine walking through your local outdoor shopping center and all of a sudden hearing someone yell out all the details for a neighbors wedding. Sound strange? Back in the Middle Ages that was how it was done. Town criers announced weddings to everyone in the village and all who heard the invitation was welcome to come.  It actually sounds quite nice to me. No worrying about offending family and friends by not inviting them, no horrid nightmares about sending out the wrong date on the invites, and definitely no late nights staying up and stuffing invites into envelopes. Not only is it not as simple now to get the wording on wedding invitations just right as it was in the Middle Ages, it’s not even as simple as it was two decades ago. Let me explain. I have four...

Why I Wish I Was More Like Rachel Green Than Monica Gellar

YYes, we are talking the phenomenal sitcom Friends here. Let me set the scene for those of you who are unfamiliar: Rachel and Monica are best friends. Monica is super organized – some might even call her anal and Rachel is a bit light-headed but easygoing, you could say what one lacks, the other has. Every few months I get a catalog from the wedding branch of Oriental Trading. When I open my mailbox and see that catalog sitting there I always cringe. I just find the items so cheesy. But instead of throwing it right in the recycling bin, what do I do? I look through every page. That’s strange, right? Most of the items in the catalog are the same every time and whatever seasonal items they have that are new aren’t better than the old ones. So I wonder what...

Wedding Vows, Cleavage, and Tracking Status

LLast night while planning our wedding ceremony, Justin and I came across this statement on the internet: “We discourage brides and grooms from attempting to memorize their vows.   We even discourage seasoned actors from memorizing their vows. Here’s why. Your Head takes a Vacation” (http://www.wedd101.com/bx-about-wedding-vows.html). Point taken. Justin and I both agreed quickly that we wouldn’t be memorizing our vows. What followed was quite an interesting conversation:  Me: Where are we going to put the vows if we don’t memorize them? Maybe Kevin (the best man) can hold them. Justin: Kevin can’t hold your vows, that’s not right… why can’t you hold them? Me: Where am I going to put them? Justin: Have Ariel (the maid of...

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