THE TWILIGHT ZONE: Your Wedding Planning Future

YYou read this blog post at your own risk because it gives you a glimpse into your future. A spooky and sometimes scary glimpse of the months leading up to your wedding. Welcome to the twilight zone. Dum, dum, dum…..

I hope that gave you a good laugh because it will be the last one you have until your honeymoon. Just kidding. In all seriousness it can be a little scary to write down all the tasks you have to complete before your wedding day. It makes me nervous and uptight and I still have (let me check my wedding countdown clock) 11 months and six days. But not making this list is like pretending that Joan Rivers has had plastic surgery.  It just can’t be ignored.

The wedding planning deliverables especially can’t be ignored if you are using project management to plan your wedding. It’s part of the wedding planning scope statement and adds another detailed layer onto the wedding scope description I completed last week. The deliverables are all the little tangible items you need to complete before the planning is done and the party can begin. The deliverables can also include planning documents such as the budget, guest list, etc.

And, let’s not forget about the dreaded wedding acceptance criteria I promised to discuss last week. I can feel the terror oozing out of your eyes. It’s simple, don’t worry. It’s just your barometer for accepting the deliverables. It also helps you figure out the process for accepting what your vendors, friends, and family have produced for you.

If you have survived so far you will most likely make it out of the twilight zone alive. If you need some extra help take a look at my wedding planning deliverables and acceptance criteria.

Calmer waters are ahead next week (or so you think): wedding exclusions and constraints

Doo, doo doo doo. Doo, doo doo doo. Doo, doo doo doo…


  1. Ariel
    Jun 22, 2011

    Whew! Glad I made it out of the twilight zone without a pig face or a creepy talking puppet… Or even worse, Joan Rivers’ plastic surgery. A list is a much more helpful product of the twilight zone journey. This one was very witty and helpful!

    • lcagan
      Jun 22, 2011

      Thanks Ari!

  2. Dad/Laird
    Jun 25, 2011

    One of the most important deliverables you did not list is money from the parents. If we don’t deliver you may as well just go to the justice of the peace, otherwise known as the “just the justice wedding.”

  3. lcagan
    Jun 27, 2011

    Dad, you are very right. We can’t do anything without the money from our parents. Good catch!

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